Thursday, July 19, 2007

Here We Go Again, Again...

Looks like in a couple of days the Uni will be at war once again. I've gotten the emails, and I know I'll need to be in Korsiki by then, I plan to wrap up the mission I'm on and get myself over there. Oh and speaking of that mission...

I'd finished nearly the entire thing last night, and was heading toward the final group of ships, drones out and ready to go. I enter attack range, cut off my afterburner, and begin targeting ships. Nothing happens, nothing at all. My afterburner is still blinking red, my drones don't respond to my commands, my ship ignores my commands to turn away and keeps heading straight for the blinking ships...and then, suddenly, I'm looking at my desktop.

After a couple of futile attempts to log back in, I check the E-O forums. The server has gone down, a GM tells us, but hopefully everything will be ok soon. Um, yeah, great...assuming I still have a ship left by the time I'm able to log back in. Since I know this is inevitably going to take at least a little while, I make a quick run to the store. When I get back, I immediately run the client and it tells me the server is restarting and will be back up in about two and a half minutes. I wait, I try connecting, again nothing. Sigh...

Finally, after waiting through another restart sequence, I get back in to find my newly-fitted Myrmidon still intact, but floating in the middle of nowhere and without its drones of course. By this point, it's three o'clock in the morning and I'm exhausted, so I just get it back to a station and go to bed. I know I'm now going to have to go back though this entire mission again in order to finish it....but hey at least I'll come out about a million and a half ahead. Even with the loss of five Ogre I's and the half-mil time bonus I should have gotten, I still come out ahead on the deal.

Tomorrow will be busy as hell...I doubt I'll have much time to play, but I'll do my best to get it all done in time. Since Korsiki is only a clone jump away it shouldn't be too much of an issue...hopefully. We'll see.

Ok, I think it's time for beddie bye...


Anonymous said...

I haven't been at war in a couple of months. I missed the fun in April and May while I was off playing other games. I'm looking forward to the next week or two, depending how long the war lasts.

What are you going to be flying? I've fit out frigates mainly, a couple tacklers and a couple EW Vigils. I have an EW cruiser, but I think I'll take the Vigils out first until I get the hang of EW, then maybe I'll try the cruiser. I'd rather make mistakes with frigates, they cost less :)

Fly safe.

Unknown said...

I've got my Thorax ready to fly plus 3 PvP-fitted frigs several jumps away when and if needed. I decided during the last war that I'm prepared to sacrifice my Thorax in the service of the Uni whenever it's required. The Myrm stays where it is, though...the rest are replaceable.
