Friday, October 23, 2009

I Am In Microsoft Hell

Fuck fucking Microsoft and their fucking shitty-ass software!

Ok, now that I've gotten that out of my system, here's why: I tried to install Windows 7 but the installer recognizes my internal RAID array as removable drives and won't install to them. As a result, I'm now stuck between Vista and Win7. Neither will run properly. After an hour on the phone with Microsoft and another 20 minutes with the Geek Squad, it seems my only way out of this is a $200 Geek Squad repair job. Needless to say, I'm not a happy camper right now.

And of course, among the many things I'm unable to do right now is play EvE. The old spare PC I'm on right now can't handle it. I am getting some Empyeran Age reading done in-between phone calls, so I guess I'm not really going cold turkey. Besides I survived two years with no EvE, I'll manage another day or two.

Rassa frassa...


Escoce said...

The answer to Microsoft hell is Linux freedom.

Escoce said...

I forgot, keep in mind lots of people are having problems with Eve in Windows 7 also.

I do hope it all works out for you.

Rebecca Jai said...

Does EvE run in Linux? I'll admit my near-total ignorance here. I've never used Linux nor even seen it used. My computer skills are not exactly expert-level and I hesitate to try anything I'm not familiar with, because then stuff like this happens and I end up cursing myself for screwing up my computer.

Unknown said...

EVE does run on Linux, there's even an entire section devoted to it on the EVE-O forums, but i really wouldn't recommend it if your "computer skills are not exactly expert-level"...i'm an IT consultant and i still struggle with its finer points. If you want to give it a try you can run it from a bootable CD (called a live CD) without actually installing anything on your computer. Try Knoppix.

Great blog btw, just read through the whole thing. Welcome back to EVE.

Rebecca Jai said...

Thanks for the kind words and welcome! :)